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Driveway Showdown: Concrete vs. Asphalt – Which Costs Less in Jacksonville

Sep 04, 2024

When considering concrete vs. asphalt driveways, it's important to choose the right material for your home. Both are popular choices for driveways in Jacksonville, but they come with different costs and benefits. Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision that suits your budget and needs.

In this article, we'll compare the costs of concrete and asphalt driveways specifically in Jacksonville. Whether you're building a new driveway or replacing an old one, this guide will help you understand which option might be more affordable.

Continue reading to find out which driveway material could save you money and provide the best value for your home.

Cost of Installation

When deciding between concrete and asphalt driveways in Jacksonville, it's important to understand the installation costs. Here’s a clear breakdown of what to expect:

Concrete Driveway Costs

Concrete driveways generally have higher upfront costs compared to asphalt. In Jacksonville, the typical price range for installing a concrete driveway is between $4,000 and $7,000 for a standard two-car driveway. This price can vary based on several factors:

  • Size and Thickness: Larger driveways or those requiring thicker slabs will cost more.
  • Design and Finish: Adding decorative finishes or custom designs increases the price.
  • Preparation Work: The condition of the existing soil and the amount of prep work needed can also impact the cost.

Asphalt Driveway Costs

Asphalt driveways usually cost less to install initially. In Jacksonville, the price range for a standard two-car asphalt driveway is between $3,000 and $6,000. Factors that influence the cost include:

  • Size and Thickness: Similar to concrete, larger or thicker driveways will be more expensive.
  • Materials and Quality: Higher-quality asphalt or additional layers will raise the cost.
  • Site Preparation: The amount of grading or leveling required before proper installation can affect the total price.

While both options have their advantages, asphalt's initial cost is lesser in Jacksonville. Concrete, though more expensive upfront, may offer other benefits that can justify the higher cost.

Long-term Maintenance Costs

When deciding between concrete and asphalt for your driveway, consider long-term cost of maintenance. Here's a breakdown of the maintenance requirements for both materials, along with their associated costs and frequencies.

Concrete Driveways


  • Frequency: Every 2-3 years.
  • Cost: Approximately $100-$150 per application for a standard driveway.
  • Details: Concrete sealer helps protect concrete from stains and weather damage. It keeps the concrete surface looking fresh and extends its lifespan.

Concrete Repairs:

  • Frequency: As needed, typically every 5-10 years.
  • Cost: Small cracks may cost $300-$500 to repair, while extensive repairs can reach up to $1,000.
  • Details: Cracks and chips in concrete can appear over time due to harsh weather conditions and heavy use. Prompt repairs prevent further damage.


  • Frequency: Every 10-15 years.
  • Cost: Around $3,000-$4,500 for an average driveway.
  • Details: Resurfacing involves applying a new layer of concrete over the existing surface. This restores the driveway's appearance and strength.

Asphalt Driveways


  • Frequency: Every 1-3 years.
  • Cost: Approximately $100-$200 per application for a standard driveway.
  • Details: Asphalt sealer is crucial in protecting against water damage, UV rays, and oil stains. It also helps maintain the driveway's smooth surface.

Asphalt Repairs:

  • Frequency: As needed, typically every 3-5 years.
  • Cost: Small pothole repairs might cost $150-$300, while larger repairs can range from $500 to $1,000.
  • Details: Asphalt is more prone to cracking and potholes, especially in extreme temperatures. Quick repairs are necessary to avoid more extensive damage.


  • Frequency: Every 10-15 years.
  • Cost: Around $2,500-$4,000 for an average driveway.
  • Details: Resurfacing asphalt involves adding a new layer on top of the old one. This process restores the driveway's look and functionality.

In Jacksonville, both concrete and asphalt driveways come with their own maintenance needs and costs. Concrete requires less frequent sealing but can be more expensive to repair. Asphalt needs more regular sealing and is more prone to damage but usually costs less to maintain overall.

Durability and Lifespan

Concrete and asphalt are popular choices, but they perform differently in the local climate. Jacksonville's climate significantly affects both materials. The heat and humidity can lead to quicker wear and tear. For concrete, this means more frequent maintenance sealing and potential repairs for cracks. Asphalt may need more attention during the hottest months to prevent softening and damage.

Concrete Driveways

Concrete driveways are known for their strength. They can last up to 30 years or more with proper maintenance. Concrete is resistant to heavy loads and doesn't wear down quickly. However, it can crack in Jacksonville's hot climate. The extreme heat and humidity can cause the concrete to expand and contract, leading to cracks over time. Regular sealing can help maintain its durability.

Asphalt Driveways

Asphalt driveways, on the other hand, have a lifespan of about 20 years. They are more flexible than concrete, which makes them less prone to cracking in Jacksonville's fluctuating temperatures. However, asphalt can become soft and pliable in the heat, leading to rutting and grooves. Regular maintenance, such as sealing every few years, can extend its lifespan and maintain its appearance.

In Jacksonville, both concrete and asphalt have their pros and cons regarding durability and lifespan. Concrete offers a longer lifespan but is more prone to cracking in the heat. Asphalt, while slightly less durable, handles temperature changes better but can soften in extreme heat. Regular maintenance is key to ensuring the longevity of both materials in this climate.

Aesthetic Options

Both options offer unique aesthetic customization that can make your driveway stand out. Here's a closer look at what each material offers and how these choices can affect your overall costs.

Concrete Pavement Customization Options

Concrete is highly versatile and allows for various customization to enhance your home's curb appeal:

  • Colors: Concrete can be tinted in different shades to match your home or landscape. From light colors to darker shades, the color options are numerous.
  • Patterns: Stamping techniques can create patterns that mimic brick, stone, or even wood. This adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to your driveway.
  • Finishes: Concrete finishes range from smooth and polished to textured surfaces that provide better traction. Exposed aggregate finishes, where the top layer of cement is washed away to reveal the gravel underneath, are also popular.

Asphalt Pavement Customization Options

Asphalt has fewer customization options compared to concrete but still offers some choices:

  • Colors: While traditionally dark color/black, asphalt can be mixed with different aggregates to produce slightly varied tones. However, color options are more limited than concrete.
  • Patterns: Patterned asphalt is less common but can be achieved with stamped designs to create a more decorative appearance.
  • Finishes: Asphalt is usually smooth, but it can be textured to enhance grip. Sealcoating can also give it a glossy finish, improving its appearance and durability.

Impact on Costs

Customization options significantly influence the cost of your driveway:

  • Concrete Costs: Adding colors, patterns, or special finishes to concrete will increase the price. For instance, stamped concrete can cost 25-50% more than plain concrete. Exposed aggregate finishes also add to the cost but provide a unique look.

  • Asphalt Costs: While asphalt is generally cheaper than concrete, adding custom patterns or seal coating can raise the price. However, even with these additions, asphalt remains less expensive than highly customized concrete.

Choosing between concrete and asphalt depends on your aesthetic preferences and budget. Concrete offers a wide range of customizations for those looking to make a statement but at a higher cost. Asphalt provides a more straightforward, economical option with limited customization.

Environmental Impact

Here's a look at how each material stacks up in terms of sustainability, recyclability, and heat absorption.


Concrete and asphalt both have different impacts on the environment. Concrete is made from natural materials like limestone, clay, and sand, which are abundant but require significant energy to process. Asphalt, on the other hand, is a petroleum-based product, a non-renewable resource, which raises concerns about its long-term sustainability.


Both common materials offer good recycling potential. Concrete can be crushed and reused in new driveway projects, reducing the need for new raw materials. This process helps decrease the environmental footprint of construction activities. Asphalt is highly recyclable as well; old asphalt can be melted down and reused in new paving projects. This not only saves resources but also minimizes waste.

Heat Absorption

Heat absorption is another critical factor to consider. Asphalt tends to absorb more heat than concrete, making it much hotter in summer months. This can contribute to the urban heat island effect, where urban areas become warmer than their rural surroundings. Concrete, being lighter in color, reflects more sunlight and absorbs less heat, helping to keep the area cooler.

Both concrete and asphalt have their pros and cons when it comes to environmental impact. Concrete is sustainable in terms of raw materials but requires more energy to produce, while asphalt is less sustainable due to its petroleum base but can be produced with lower energy. Both durable materials are highly recyclable, though, and offer ways to minimize waste. In terms of heat absorption, concrete is the better choice for reducing heat in urban areas.

Pros and Cons Summary

The table below provides a quick comparison of the main advantages and disadvantages of concrete and asphalt driveways. Here's a quick look to make it easy for homeowners to decide which material might be best for a driveway in Jacksonville.

Criteria Concrete Asphalt
Cost Around $6-$10 per square foot. Around $3-$6 per square foot.
Maintenance Low maintenance. Sealing every few years. Requires regular maintenance. Sealing every 2-3 years.
Aesthetics Variety of finishes and colors available. Can be designed to match home aesthetics. Limited color options, usually black or dark. Looks more basic and functional.

Final Thoughts

Choosing between concrete and asphalt driveways involves weighing the costs, maintenance, durability, aesthetics, and environmental impact. When deciding on the right material for your residential driveway, consider your individual needs, budget, and the harsh weather conditions in Jacksonville. Concrete may be a better choice for those seeking durability and aesthetic flexibility. On the other hand, asphalt could be more suitable for those prioritizing cost and ease of maintenance.

For expert advice and professional installation, Jacksonville Concrete Pavers offers top-notch concrete driveway services. Contact them today for a free consultation and a free estimate. They are ready to help you make the best choice for your residential driveway needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is concrete or asphalt better for a driveway?

Concrete is durable and can last for many years with minimal maintenance. It also offers various design options, making it a popular choice for homeowners looking for a stylish appearance. Asphalt is typically less expensive to install and can handle colder climates better due to its flexibility. However, it may require more maintenance over time compared to concrete. Choosing between the two depends on budget, climate, and personal preference.

Is a concrete driveway worth the money?

Yes, a concrete driveway can be a worthwhile investment due to its durability and longevity. It can enhance the curb appeal of a home and provide a smooth, sturdy surface for vehicles. Despite the higher upfront cost, the minimal upkeep requirements and long lifespan can make it cost-effective in the long run. For those looking for a durable and aesthetically pleasing option, a concrete driveway is often considered a good value.

How long does a concrete driveway last?

A well-maintained concrete driveway can last 25 to 30 years or more. The lifespan depends on factors like the quality of concrete driveway installation, the climate, and the level of maintenance. Regular sealing and prompt repairs of any cracks can help extend the driveway's life.

How often should a concrete driveway be sealed?

A concrete driveway should typically be sealed every two to five years. Sealing helps protect the surface from water, chemicals, and weather damage. It also prevents stains and extends the lifespan of the driveway. Checking for signs of wear and tear can help determine when it's time to reseal.

Can a concrete driveway handle heavy vehicles?

Yes, a concrete driveway can handle heavier trucks and vehicles if it is properly designed and constructed. It's important to ensure the driveway has the right thickness and reinforcement to support the weight. Consulting with a professional during the planning stage can help ensure the driveway meets the necessary requirements for heavy use.

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